an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

LOL - Social Network

"Humour and joy are the best tools to improve
our daily lives"

Your new Social Network on

Create, laugh, enjoy and be rewarded.

Beta Version Test (end of February – early March)

Social network on blockchain.

The first Social Network to entertain you with content that makes you laugh.

1st quarter 2025
Launch of the LOL token

Blockchain selection
- Token création
- Whitepaper

- Presale and Airdrop – Presale until 15/02/2021
Beta Version Test (end of February – early March)

2nd quarter 2025
Architectural design

Frameworks and decentralized storage solutions selection
- Authentication module
- Compensation and incentives module (native token, rewards, staking)
- Security plan (audit, bug bounty, etc…)

3rd quarter 2025
Prototype development

Setting up the development environment
Smart contract for content creation (publication, update, deletion)
- Account creation (portfolio management/private key)
File upload system
Content publishing on the testnet
Main feed display
Writing and running unit tests on smart contracts
- Front-end functional tests

4th quarter 2025
In-depth tests, improvements and audits

- Private beta testing (alpha testers) feedback on ergonomics, transaction speed and overall experience.
- Bug resolution and iterations
- Security audit

- Performance and scalability testing


1st quarter 2026
Preparing for launch

Finalize contracts and deploy mainnet
- Check compatibility between testnet and mainnet versions
- Update technical and public documentation.
- Set up support and community tools


2nd quarter 2026
Official launch

- Final deployment
- Publication of smart contracts on the mainnet.
- Migrate necessary data from testnet to mainnet.
- Check integrity and correct operation of all functionalities

3nd quarter 2026
Post-Launch, Maintenance and Scalability

- Collect user feedback
- Implement analysis tools (on-chain and o-chain statistics)
- Evaluate user adoption and satisfaction.
- Continue regular security audits
- Establish partnerships with other Web3 projects
- Optimize gas consumption and user experience (transaction costs, speed)

LOL Team

Our goal is to create a new era in social networking, connecting people around the world through laughter with blockchain.

Founder of LOL project Manager

Security officer

Designer UX/UI

Social media Manager

Marketing Manager

Blockchain developer

DISCLAIMER: LOL is a meme coin created for fun with absolutely no intrinsic value or any expectation of financial return. The token for entertainment purposes only and we take zero responsibility for the value of this token.
2025 ©LOL-Social-Network. All right reserved.